2016-10-07 - Early Halloween Tour


~7.6 miles @ ~12.6 min/mi

"What is that?" Two glowing eyes stare down at us from atop a bushy knoll beside the road. "Big!" answers Kristin. The first few miles are a fast-paced celebration of cool temperatures. We roam before dawn through the Chesterbrook neighborhood, joy the only goal. We pause at a corner to study a map, then ignore it. "Plans are worthless!" Kristin applies General Eisenhower's maxim to run route selection.

Witches, giant spiders, skeletons, and ghosts rise from a front-yard Halloween cemetery to attack a house on Chesterfield Avenue. Bunny count = 1, spied by Kristin, who also clears most of today's cobwebs for the Team.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-11-02